Page:Old maid and widow, or, The widow the best wife.pdf/15

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The smile that manners claimed as civil,
Wou’d gart her greet— and played the d—l!
Such was the life that Watty led,
A jealous wife— an’ childless bed!
An’ to a friend, whom he cou’d trust,
‘Mind this,’ said he, ‘when I’m in dust,
‘Altho’ she were wi’ siller laden,
‘O never marry an Auld Maiden!’
Now Mr. Preses, I’ve a fear,
That Katharine’s wearied you fu’ sair;
Be thankfu’ Sir, she’s not your wife,
An’ think on Watty’s waefu’ life,
But if ye’ll thole me for a little,
I’ll fit your taste— I’ll wad my whittle!
John Thomson lived in Gowan fau’d,
A stout, weel-biggit, simple lad;
Did little good-an’ nought o’ harm,
Wi’ twa cows lab’ring of a farm:
When he sat down wi’ fowk to crack,
He meant aye better than he spak’;
E’en they wha thought him saft an’ silly
Ca’d him a kind, good-hearted billy.
He was na rich, but borrowed naething,
An’ far frae pridefu’ in his claithing;
His coat, tho’ hale at kirk or fair—

Was seenil brushed— he didna care: