Page:Olney Hymns - 1840.djvu/312

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4 But, ah ! since tliou hast been away,
Nothing but trouble have I known ;
And Satan marks me for his prey,
Because he sees me left alone.

5 My sun is hid, my comforts lost,
My graces droop, my sins revive ;
Distress d, dismay d, and tempest-toss d,
My soul is only just alive !

6 Lord, hear my cry, and come again 1
But all mine enemies to shame ;
And let them see tis not in vain
That I have trusted in thy name.

Cast down, but not destroyed.

1 THOUGH sore beset with guilt and fear,
I cannot, dare not, quite despair ;
If I must perish, would the Lord
Have taught my heart to love his word :
Would he have given me eyes to see
My danger and my remedy ;
Reveal d his name, and bid me pray,
Had he resolved to say me nay ?

2 No though cast down, I am not slain !
I fall, but I shall rise again ;
The present, Satan, is thy hour,
But Jesus shall control thy pow r :
His love will plead for my relief,
He hears my groans, he sees my grief ;
Nor will he suffer thee to boast
A soul that sought his help was lost,

3 Tis true, I have unfaithful been,
And grieved his Spirit by my sin ;
Yet still his mercy he ll reveal,
And all my wounds and follies heal :
Abounding sin I must confess,
But more abounding is his grace :
He once vouchsafed for me to bleed,
And now he lives my cause to plead.