Page:Olney Hymns - 1840.djvu/93

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2 When once to Jerusalem come
The treasure and train she had brought,
The wealth she possessed at home
No longer had place in her thought :
His house, his attendants, his throne,
All struck her with wonder and awe ;
The glory of Solomon shone
In every object she saw.

3 But Solomon most she admired,
Whose spirit conducted the whole,
His wisdom, which God had inspired,
His bounty, and greatness of soul.
Of all the hard questions she put
A ready solution he show d,
Exceeded her wish and her suit,
And more than she ask d him bestow d.

4 Thus I, when the gospel proclaim d
The Saviour s great name in my ears,
The wisdom for which he is famed,
The love which to sinners he bears,
I long d, and I was not denied,
That I in his presence might bow ;
I saw, and transported I cried,
" A greater than Solomon thou ! "

5 My conscience no comfort could find,
By doubt and hard questions opposed ;
But he restored peace to my mind,
And answer d each doubt I proposed.
Beholding me poor and distress d,
His bounty supplied all my wants ;
My pray r could have never express d
So much as this Solomon grants.

6 I heard and was slow to believe,
But now with my eyes I behold
Much more than my heart could conceive,
Or language could ever have told.
How happy thy servants must be
Who always before thee appear !
Vouchsafe, Lord, this blessing to me,
I find it is good to be here.