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Page:Olney Hymns - 1840.djvu/99

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7 Though kings and nations in his view
Are but as motes and dust,
His eyes and ear are fix d on you
Who in his mercy trust.

8 Not one concern of ours is small
If we belong to him.
To teach us this, the Lord of all
Once made the iron swim.

More with us than with them.— 2 Kings, vi, 16.

1 ALAS ! Elisha s servant cried.
When he the Syrian army spied ;
But he was soon released from care,
In answer to the prophet s prayer.

2 Straightway he saw, with other eyes,
A greater army from the skies,
A fiery guard around the hill ;
Thus are the saints preserved still.

3 When Satan and his host appear,
Like him of old, I faint and fear ;
Like him, by faith, with joy I see
A greater host engaged for me.

4 The saints espouse my cause by pray r,
The angels make my soul their care ;
Mine is the promise seal d with blood,
And Jesus lives to make it good.

Faith s Review and Expectation.—1 Chron. xvii, 16, 17.

1 AMAZING grace ! (how sweet the sound ! )
That saved a wretch like me !
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

2 Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved ;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed !