Page:Omniana 2.djvu/106

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getation this passage from Kircher is translated, gives another receipt by M. Dobrzenski de Nigrepont, which seems to be the lie of an impudent quack to puff off his mineral water. It is a shorter way of producing the same effect by virtue of the water. But the Abbé passes on to greater wonders. Quand j'ai dit, he says, ci-devant, que les Physiciens en feroient lant par leurs expériences, qu'ils parviendroient jusqu' à faire l'incomprehensible miracle de la Resurrection, je ne me trompois pas tant. C'est déja une affaire presque fait. On a passé des Vegetaux aux Animaux. And with that upon the authority of that Prænobilis et Reverendus D. Godefridus Aloysius Kinnents a Lowenthurn. Juris utriusque, et sacro-sanctæ Theologiæ Doctor. He tells a story of a sparrow resuscitated in like manner from its ashes, and even gives a portrait of the ghost of the sparrow in its bottle. One cares not what may be said by one of these pre