Page:Omniana 2.djvu/194

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by its odour of heresy, no Catholic would have raised a doubt concerning it, founded upon the nature of the thing preserved: for though the Romanists have not gone quite so far as the Priests of Thibet in preparing pastils of Zibethum occidentale from their human idols, they have exceeded them in indecency. The relic of which Antwerp boasted, quod tamen sub annum 1560, templis ac sacrariis immani Calvinistarum furore direptis, deperditum est, is one at which I can only hint. It is the subject of the first article in the Acta Sanctorum, and the manner in which its existence on earth may be reconciled with the fact of the Resurrection of Christ is there explained, according to the opinion of'Suarez,.. but the question had often been discussed before, de quo consuli possunt Titus Bostrensis et Theophilactus et alii Interpretes et Doctores!