Page:Omniana 2.djvu/320

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as little purpose. Is there a free will in brutes? When the Devil tempts us, does he come of himself, or does God send him? In what part of the body does the soul reside, and at what part does it go out? Why did Christ chuse to be born of a Virgin? The question and answer will give the Spanish scholar a good specimen of the style of this extraordinary old Omniana.

Pregunta 155

Del Senor Almirante, porque quiso
Christ nascer de Virgen.

No es culpable que pregunto
las dubdas en que me veo,
pues es bueno mi deseo
en las cosas que yo apunto:
Que de lo que a Christo toca
no se deve hombre hartar
de saber y preguntar
pues la sckncia no se apoca,

Dezidme porque razones
de virgen quiso nascer,