Page:On Radiation.djvu/47

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What has been here proved true of the totality of the ultra-red rays is true for each of them singly. Placing our linear thermo-electric pile in any part of the ultra-red spectrum, it may be proved that a ray once emitted continues to be emitted with increased energy as the temperature is augmented. The platinum spiral so often referred to being raised to whiteness by an electric current, a brilliant spectrum was formed from its light. A linear thermo-electric pile was placed in the region of obscure rays beyond the red, and by diminishing the current the spiral was reduced to a low temperature. It was then caused to pass through various degrees of darkness and incandescence, with the following results:—

Appearance of spiral. Energy of obscure rays.
Dark 1  
Dark 6
Faint red 10
Dull red 13
Red 18
Full red 27
Orange 60
Yellow 93
Full white 122

Here, as in the former case, the dark and bright radiation reached their maximum together; as the