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of system of, iii. 100-104; interdepend- ence of parties in, ill. 33, nothing decided in until the final result, iii 84, magni- tude of the object of, iii. 87; necessity of evertion in, iii. 88; methodical offen- sive, iii 112, merely another kind of writ- ing and language for political thoughts, iii. 122, example of an alliance of States against France, iii 170-177; offensive, limited object, iii 181; of a small state against a greater, iii. 117, practice in, of principles laid down, iii 221; plan of,111 76, theory of, iii 78, absolute and real, iii. 79; when we may engage in, iii. 80; part of political intercourse, iii 121; position of France in, against Austria and Prussia, iii, 144, 178-177, quali- fications necessary for minister of, iii 137; theatre of, ii. 360-415, iii 81 See Thirty Years’, Seven Yeats’, Silesia

Wars— the, agalust Buonaparte, iii. 119; between France and England, iil 94; of nineteenth century, character of, ii. 128, 130, of 1870, i 83, 889, iii. 802 Waitenburg, ii. 77 Waterloo — see Belle Alliance, i. 196, iii. 204 Ways—diversity of.,leading to the end in war, i. 85 Weapons, iii. 350; not essential to concep- tion of fighting, i . 81; long range, i, 19, iii 195, 208; smooth bore era, i. 236 Wearing out the enemy, 1 38 Weather— effects of, i 79, 111 Wedel, General, ii. 370 Weimar, ii 114 Wolllngton's campaign of 1810-11, iii, 217, i. 196 Westphalia — peace of, ii. 86, 311 Will — force of, i. 55 ; strong, stands like an obolisk in the middle of the art of war, i 78; strength of, i, 168, commanding, required in conduct of war, ii 308 Wilna, ii. 176, 377, 414 Winizengerode, ii. 283 Witopsk, ii 329 Wittgoenstein, General, i. 144, ii 310 Woods — advantages and disadvantages of, iii 202; attack of, iii. 30; defence of iii. 30 Wrede, ii. 322 Wurtemburg, Prince of, i. 144, 330 Wurtzburg,ii 210 York,General, i. 261, ii. 76 Ziethen, General, ii. 54, 84, 86 Zorndorf—batlle of, iii. 274 Züllichan, battle of, ii. 370 Zyder Zee, ii. 399, 993


Page 106, line 21, for “mean sleft” read “means left."
161, 1, for “CHAP. V,” read “CHAP VI.”
161, 15, for “Feuquieres” read “Feuquieres.”
163, 1, for “CHAP. v” read “CHAP. VI.”


GUILFORD, ENGLAND (illegible text)