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VI CONTENTS CHAP III j 4 .™InterijEpemdence of the Paris in War . . 8^ 5 ,~Of the Magnitude of the Object of the War, AND THE Efforts to be Made . . . • 87 IV. Ends in War More Precisely Defined— Over- throw OF THE Enemy . . . . 105 V. Ends in War More Precisely Defined icotitinued ) — Limited Object . . . 115 VI. A. — Influence of the Political Object on the Military Object . . . ii8 B . — War as an Instrument of Policy . , .121 Vll Limited Object— Offensive War . . . .131 VIII Limited Object— Defence 134 IX Plan of War when the Destruction of the Enemy is the Object ... 140 APPENDIX SUMMARY OF THE INSTRUCTION GIVEN BY THE AUTHOR TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE CROWN PRINCE IN THE YEARS i8io, i8n, and 1812 Scheme which was laid before General Von Gaudy . 178 The most Important Principles of the Art of War to Complete my Course of Instruction of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince . 183 I. General Principles to be Observed in War . .182 11 . Tactics or the Theory of Combat . . . .184 1 General Principles : A, For the Defence 185 B For the Attack igo 2 Principles for the Use of Troops .... 195 3 Principles for the Use of Ground .... 200 III Strategy , . 209 1. General Principles . 209 2. Defensive , 215 3. Attack , . • 220 IV. On the Practice in War of the Principles now laid down . ■ ■ . 221 On the Organic Division of Armed Forces . . 231 Sketch of a Plan for Tactics, or the Theory of the Combat . • . . . 239 Guide to Tactics, or the Theory of the Combat 243