Page:On papal conclaves (IA a549801700cartuoft).djvu/198

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of the Pope, or to those adopted as such, and for the prescribing of safeguards to be observed in the assignment of favours which are said to have been at times granted by deputation, per concessum, during a Pope's sickness.' Accordingly it is ruled that a Pope may lawfully assist, should they be in want, his brothers, nephews, relatives, and connexions (consanguinei et affines), as also those whom he may have adopted as such, but only in the degree in which he habitually administers to the destitution of the poor who stand in no particular relation to him. Should any of the before-mentioned relatives enter the Church, it is enjoined that they shall be endowed with but moderate preferments; and in the event of any attaining the Cardinalate, that they shall not be allowed to accumulate benefices exceeding in value 12,000 crowns a year, it being expressly conceded that such income shall proceed from holdings for life,—any additional but insecure income from preferments held at the Pope's pleasure not being included in this estimate of the portion due to Papal kinsmen. Furthermore, to obviate the recurrence of what has happened in the case of favours granted by deputation dur-