Page:On papal conclaves (IA a549801700cartuoft).djvu/251

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terregnum, 40; his Bull (1562) forbidding wagers, 49 seq., 112; as to lay Cardinals, etc., 124, 127; as to Papal elections, 134, 138.

  • Pius V. (1566–72), election of, 152; Bull of, as to alienation of Church property, 175: see Gregory XIV. and Clement VIII.
  • Pius VI. (1775–99), provisions made by him as to the election of a successor, 82–101; his treatment of refractory Cardinals, 119, 141–144.
  • Pius VII. (1800–23), 103, 143, 144, 154, 161, 228.
  • Pius VIII. (1829–31), election of, 157, 201.
  • Pius IX. (1846– ), unusual importance of the Conclave to follow on his death, 7, 82; his treatment of Rosmini, 130, and of Cardinal Andrea, 146–149; the intended application of the veto by Austria at his election, 162; the Conclave in which he was elected, 185; his election, 198: Austria's veto against it arrived too late, 200. See Appendix B.
  • Police of Rome, and its officers, 45.
  • Pope, the; election of–see Papal Elections; what happens immediately upon his decease, 30 seq.; obsequies of, 61, 62.
  • Portugal, Crown of, claims a right of veto in Papal elections, which is contested by Rome, 159.
  • Preliminary ceremonial attending Papal elections, 66; question how far this may be dispensed with, 79; various precedents in point, 80: provisions made by Pius VI., 82–101, and by Gregory XVI., 102.
  • Proclamation of Conclave, 115.
  • Proclamation of a new Pope by the Cardinal Dean, 167.
  • Quirinal Palace, present site of Conclave in the, 103; description of arrangements at, 109 seq.: the Chapel (the Paolina) where the Cardinals vote, described, 150, 151.
  • Rainaldo, Cardinal, of Este, 120.
  • Ranke, Professor, 1.
  • Richard Plantagenet, Earl of Cornwall, 18.
  • Ring, piscatorial, of the Pope, 36.
  • Rohan, Cardinal, suspension of, 140.
  • Rome, lawless state of, during Conclave, 42–50; riot in 1590, 55.
  • Rosmini, nominated. Cardinal by Pius IX., but nomination defeated by the Jesuits, 130.
  • Rospigliosi, Cardinal; see Clement IX.
  • Rossi, M., an Italian professor, nominated French ambassador to Rome, 188.
  • Sacred College, the, its membership, 118, 119; no lay Cardinals at present, 125.
  • Sala, Cardinal, 98.
  • Salic race, Princes of the, 10.
  • San Stefano, 92.
  • Sanseverino, Frederick. an unpromulgated Cardinal, 129.
  • Saoli, Cardinal, degradation of, 135.
  • Savelli family, the, 58, 104.
  • Schism in the Papacy in the reign of Alexander III., 14–16.
  • Scilla, Canlinal Ruffo, 67.
  • Scope of present publication, 6, 7.
  • Scrutators of the voting in Conclave, 155–157.
  • Secrecy incumbent on Conclavists, 67; imperfect observance of the rule, 111, 112.
  • Sermoneta, Duke of, 42, 54, 136.
  • Severoli's (Cardinal) election to the Papal chair vetoed by Austria, 162, 163.
  • Sforza, Cardinal, 129.
  • Sham candidates at Papal elections, 158.
  • Silverius (536–535), a Pope, the son of a Pope, 123
  • Sixtus V. (1585–90), 119, 125, 189
  • Soderini, Cardinal (of Volterra), ease of, 135.
  • Soglia, Cardinal, 191.
  • Spain, Crown of, has a right of veto in Papal elections, 159.
  • St. George, Chevalier de, 68.
  • St Louis, cross of, 123