Page:On the Desert - Recent Events in Egypt.djvu/347

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Dr. FIELD'S TRAVELS ROUND THE WORLD. IL FROM EGYPT TO JAPAN. From the NEW YORK OBSERVER. " The present volume comprises by far the most novel, romantic, and inter- esting part of the Journey (Round the World), and the story of it is told and the scenes are painted by the hand of a master of the pen. Dr. Field is a vet- eran traveller ; he knows well what to see, and (which is still more important to the reader) he knows well what to describe and how to do it" From Prof. ROSWELL D HITCHCOCK, D.D., LL.D. '■ In this second volume. Dr. Field, I think, has surpassed himself in the first, and this is saying a good deal. In both volumes the editorial instinct and habit are conspicuous. Dr. Prime has said that an editor should have six senses, the sixth being, a "sense of the interesting.'^ Dr. Field has this to perfection. * *" From the NEW YORK HERALD. " It would be impossible by extracts to convey an adequate idea of the abun- dance, or picturesque freshness of these sketches of travel, without copying r. large part of the book." From Rev. Dr. R. S. STORRS. " It is indeed a charming book — full of fresh information, picturesque de-' scription, and thoughtful studies of men, countries, and civilizations." From Rev. Dr. A. P. PEABODV, late editor of the North American Review. " I have never, within anything like the same space, seen so much said of Egypt, or so wisely or so well. Much as I have read about Egypt — many vol- umes indeed — I have found some of these descriptions more graphic, more real- istic, than I have ever met or expect to meet elsewhere." By CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER, in the Hartford Courant. " It is thoroughly entertaining; the reader's interest is never allowed ta flag : the author carries us forward from land to land with uncommon vivacity, enlivens the way with a good humor, a careful observation, and treats aU people with a refreshing liberality." One Vol., Crown Svo. Price, $8.00. «:HARLES SCRIBNER'S sons, publishers, 743 AND 745 Broadway, New York.