Page:On the Magnet - Gilbert (1900 translation of 1600 work).djvu/197

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Oculus Tauri 062°055' 15°053' N
Sinister humerus Orionis 072°024' 0005' N
Dexter humerus Orionis 083°030' 0019' N
Præcedens in cingulo Orionis 077°046' 0016' S
Canis major 097°010' 15°055' S
Canis minor 109°041' 0055' N
Lucida Hydræ 137°010' 0003' S
Caput Geminorum australe 110°021' 28°030' N
Caput boreale 107°004' 32°010' N
Cor Leonis 146°008' 13°047' N
Cauda Leonis 171°038' 16°030' N
Spica Virginis 195°044' 0034' S
Arcturus 029°013' 21°054' N
Cor Aquilæ 291°056' 0035' N

An instrument for finding the amplitude
at rising on the horizon.

Describe the circumference of a circle and let it be divided into quadrants by two diameters intersecting each other at right angles at its centre. One of these will represent the æquinoctial circle, the other the axis of the world. Let each of these quadrants be divided (in the accustomed way) into 90 degrees; on every fifth or tenth of which at each end of each diameter and on each side let marks (showing the numbers) be inscribed on the two limbs or margins made for that purpose outside the circumference. Then from each degree straight lines are drawn parallel to the æquator. You will then prepare a rule or alhidade equal to the diameter of that circle and divided throughout into the same parts into which the diameter of the circle representing the axis of the world is divided. Let there be left a small appendage attached to the middle of the rule, by which the middle of the fiducial line itself of the rule may be connected with the centre of the circle: but to every fifth or tenth part of that rule let numbers be attached proceeding from the centre toward each side. This circle represents the plane of the meridian; its centre the actual point of east or west, i.e., the common intersection of the horizon and æquator; all those lines æquidistant from the æquator denote the parallels of the sun and stars; the fiducial line of the rule or alhidade represents the horizon; and its parts signify the degrees of the horizon, beginning from the point of setting or of rising.
