Page:On the Vatican Library of Sixtus IV.djvu/36

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in plain binding that may be original. The first page has a lovely border of an enlaced pattern with the arms of Sixtus IV. in a circle at the bottom.

The compiler of the catalogue goes through the Library case by case, noting (at least in the Latin Library) the position of the case, the subjects of the books contained in it, and their titles. This is succeeded by an enumeration of the number of volumes, so as to shew, in a couple of pages, how many the whole Library contained. MM. Müntz and Fabre print this enumeration, but, so far as I know, the catalogue itself has not as yet been printed by any one. For my present purpose I shall combine the headings of the catalogue, the subjects, and the number of the volumes, as follows:

Inventarium Bibliothecæ Palatinæ Divi Sexti Quarti Pont. Max.

Ad sinistram ingredientibus
In primo banco
[Bibles and Commentaries] 51
In secundo banco
Hieronymus. Augustinus 55
In tertio banco
Augustinus. Ambrosius. Gregorius 47
In quarto banco
Ioannes Chrysostomus 50
In quinto banco
Thomas 47
In sexto banco
In Theologia. In divino officio 54
In septimo banco
Ius canonicum 43
In octauo banco
Ius canonicum 41
In nono banco
Ius civile 42
—— 430
In primo banco ad dextram ingredientibus
Philosophi 53
In secundo banco
Astrologi. In Medicina 48
In tertio banco
Poetæ 41