Page:On to Pekin.djvu/118

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in the coat, a lurch of the vessel sent him with a bump into one of the uprights supporting Gilbert's cot, and then landed him flat on his back in the passageway.

"Oh!" cried the young man, and scrambled to his feet as quickly as possible. But the rolling of the ship and the noise made by Nuggy awoke Gilbert on the instant.

"What's the matter?" cried the young lieutenant, and sat up, staring around him. Before he could get to his feet, Nuggy Polk was making off down the dim passageway, which was illuminated by only a few incandescent lights.

"Phwat's the matter, lieutenant?" came from Dan Casey, who was dozing on the edge of his cot, not far off.

"That man—what was he doing here?" demanded Gilbert.

"Sure, an' I dunno. Stop there!" cried Casey. But Nuggy only ran the faster, and in a few seconds disappeared from view.

"I believe he was at my coat," went on Gilbert, as he picked the garment from the floor. Under the coat lay the documents and the sealed envelope.