Page:On to Pekin.djvu/141

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they had had the quartermaster lay in an extra supply for them at Nagasaki.

"Gracious! what's struck us?" cried Jerry, in alarm.

"Feels to me as if we were going to upset," replied Nuggy, his face growing pale. "Just listen to the wind whistle!"

"I hope we don't go to the bottom," went on Nickerson.

He did not like the ocean, and had come along on the trip only at the earnest solicitation of Nuggy, who hated to travel alone. He was no sailor, but so far the mildness of the weather had kept him from becoming seasick.

Both of the young men felt that they must go on deck, and started for the companionway side by side.

They had just reached the foot of the steps, when a dark object loomed up before them. It was a soldier, who was actually rolling down the companionway. The man plumped with such force into Jerry Nickerson that the latter was sent sprawling.

"Hi! what do you mean by knocking me down?" spluttered Nickerson, as soon as he could get wind enough to speak.