Page:On to Pekin.djvu/153

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"Yees, lieutenant. Me 'list at Wei-Hai-Wei. Many Chinamen 'list lare. Me Chlistian solyer."

"And you are ready to fight your own countrymen?"

"Certee, lieutenant. Da no Chlistians—me Chlistian—me fight alle samee, rescue Chlistians at legations in Pekin." And with a merry nod the Chinaman bobbed away. Gilbert could not help but gaze at him in wonder.

"I don't believe he'll fight his own people, Christian or no Christian," he mused. But for once the young lieutenant was mistaken. When it came to the test, the Chinese troops marching under the Union Jack fought as well as any Celestials in the war.

When leaving the transport, Gilbert had lost sight of Nuggy Polk and Jerry Nickerson; and he felt that it might be many a day before he would again encounter the pair.

"Perhaps we shall never meet again," he thought. "I've got a hard campaign before me; and who knows but that I may lay down my life in the struggle? Somebody is bound to die, and this trip it may be my turn."