Page:On to Pekin.djvu/164

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thought struck him, and he turned to Stummer. "Carl, try him in German."

Saluting, Stummer did so; and at this the Russian looked relieved. He could speak sufficient German to make himself understood; and, through the private, Gilbert learned that the Russian body at the wood numbered about three hundred. Over two thousand Boxers were in front of the Russians, and the latter were on their way to use the embankment as a cover.

"We have over four hundred men," answered Gilbert, through Carl. "I will inform my superior of the state of affairs, and he will most likely come to your aid. Will you hold the embankment if we skirt the wood and come up on the other side?"

"We will," answered the Russian.

By this time the foreign officer had to move along with the last of his command,—fierce-looking fellows, whose uniforms were covered with dust, dirt, and blood. The young lieutenant lost no time in returning to Major Morris and reporting.

"We will skirt the wood, as you intimated to the Russian captain," said the major, promptly. "Battalion, attention! Forward march! Double quick!" And away went the command, Company A leading,