Page:On to Pekin.djvu/191

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requested. At once the Russians began to answer, speaking as rapidly as before.

"They say they have orders from one of their officers to take the tea," said the elderly man. "But I don't believe them. Some of those Russians have stolen my tea before this. They are all great drinkers of tea, you know."

"Tell them they must produce a written order for tea, properly signed," went on Gilbert. "Then, if they take it, you can charge it up to the Russian government."

When Gilbert's words were translated the three Russians scowled. As a matter of fact, they had not been sent out at all, but were on a private looting expedition, and had expected to obtain a rich prize in the chest of tea, which weighed at least a hundred pounds. One of the number looked as if he wished to fight the young lieutenant, but the determined look in Gilbert's eyes held him in check.

"Be it so. We will get an order," said the ring-leader, in Russian; and he sullenly withdrew, followed by his comrades. Once outside, they lost no time in hurrying for the Russian camp, fearful of being followed and reported.