Page:On to Pekin.djvu/194

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turn their guns in this direction again. I want my husband to go to Taku with us, but he insists upon remaining here and guarding his property to the last; and I cannot bear to think of separating from him, for we have been together ever since we came to China."

"You spoke about coming particularly to see me," put in Amos Bartlett.

"I did wish to see you very much, Mr. Bartlett," answered Gilbert. "But, before I go further, let me ask, has Mr. Ramsey Polk's son Nuggy called upon you yet?"

"Ramsey Polk's son?" repeated the tea-merchant. "Why, no. I did not know that he was in China."

"He came over from Manila with our regiment, although he is not a soldier."

"I have seen or heard nothing of him. I remember him as a boy, but that is all."

"He is on his way here to buy out your interest in the Richmond Importing Company."

"Indeed! I was informed by letter that the Importing Company's affairs were in bad shape." And Amos Bartlett smiled in a peculiar way.

"Who wrote you that?"