Page:On to Pekin.djvu/208

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Holding fast to one end of the rope, he let fly with the other, that containing the bit of iron. His aim was true; and with a splash the iron landed in the water on the outer side of the log. Then Gilbert began to pull in.

No sooner was this movement commenced than an extraordinary thing occurred. The log gave a sudden wobble, and seemed about to turn over, when up came a yellow hand and arm, and hauled it back. Although he was not positive, Gilbert imagined that he also saw the top of a yellow man's head.

"He's there, sure enough," said the young lieutenant.

"Shall I schoot at him?" asked Carl, raising his rifle.

"Not yet." Gilbert raised his voice. "Come in here!" he called out.

To this there was no reply, and he gave a sudden yank on the rope. Over came the log, in spite of the efforts of the yellow man under it. Then came a splash, and the two on shore saw a Chinaman swimming away for his very life.

"Stop, or we'll fire at you!" cried Gilbert.