Page:On to Pekin.djvu/274

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"I told you to come outside. Are you going to obey orders?"


"Yes, orders. This city is under martial law, and I am a lieutenant in the United States service. Now, then, will you come out, or must I have you placed under arrest?"

For the moment the young man from Richmond was struck speechless. This was an entirely new turn of affairs, and he knew not what to say. As for Gilbert, the young lieutenant did not know if he was doing exactly right; but for the sake of Mrs. Baxtlett and Jennie he was willing to risk it.

"You—you will ar—arrest me?"

"Yes, unless you march out of here immediately." And now Gilbert caught the intruder by the arm. "Not another word!" and his face grew so stern that Nuggy collapsed completely. Still keeping hold of his man, Gilbert led the way out of the house and around the corner of the street.

"Lieutenant Pennington, this is an—an outrage!" burst out Nuggy, as soon as he could collect himself.

"It is not half as much of an outrage as it was for