Page:On to Pekin.djvu/286

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On and on went the soldiers through the water and mud. Each was heavily loaded, and the suffering was great. Yet but few complaints were heard, for each nation was vying with the others to get ahead.

As soon as the first detachment of the Allies appeared, the Chinese batteries began to thunder forth their shot and shell with deadly effect. The guns were well managed, and to silence them seemed at first impossible.

"Major Morris, you will take your battalion around to the road on the left," said the lieutenant-colonel, as he dashed up on horseback. "Yonder gun must be silenced. Do you think your boys can do the work?"

"We can try," answered the major, as he saluted. Then he turned to the four companies behind him.

"Boys, we are ordered to storm yonder position and take that gun. We must do it."

"We will! We will!" was the reply. "Hurrah for Old Glory!"

"I know I can depend upon you. Forward, double quick! Left oblique!"

Away went Company A, with the others close