Page:On to Pekin.djvu/290

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"Come on up the hill!" cried Gilbert, as he started to lead the way. He had seen a small opening, and was quick to take advantage of it. The way was slippery, and the situation a critical one; but he knew that a quick dash is worth a dozen common advances. In a minute he was at the top of the slope, and half a company came upon his heels.

Gilbert now found himself confronted by two Chinese soldiers, each of whom took aim at him as soon as he showed himself. Before the men could fire, one was knocked over by a bullet from the rear. The second, however, pulled trigger directly on Gilbert's breast; and the bullet scraped the young lieutenant's ribs so deeply that the blood flowed through his shirt.

"You are shot!" cried Captain Banner. "Better go to the rear."

"Not yet!" was Gilbert's answer. "Come on, boys! The gun will soon be ours!" And again he led the way.

But the Chinese did not intend to give up their field-piece thus easily; and soon a fierce hand-to-hand encounter was on, both sides first emptying their weapons and then using their gun-stocks for clubs.