Page:On to Pekin.djvu/298

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made out two forms approaching. As soon as discovered, the two forms sank out of sight behind a pile of stones.

"I don't like this," said Gilbert to himself, and instinctively felt for his pistol.

He was still three hundred yards from the British encampment, and not even an outpost was near him. The sky was now blacker than ever, and the road became so dark he could not see over a score of feet in any direction.

Suddenly a stone whizzed past his head, coming from where he had seen the two forms disappear. The first missile was followed by a second, which took him in the shoulder.

"Stop, or I'll fire!" he called out, and raised his weapon, but saw nothing to aim at. Then came two more stones, one of which hit him in the side of the head, half stunning him. He staggered forward, and then fell flat.

"We have brought him down!" whispered one of the Chinamen, the brother to the one that had been killed. "Come!" And he ran toward Gilbert, closely followed by his companion.

The Celestials were still a few feet away, when