Page:On to Pekin.djvu/302

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"Help me!" cried Chow Ching to his companion. "Help me, Tung, before it is too late!"

"I cannot. I am wounded," groaned Tung.

The talk being in Chinese, Gilbert could not understand a word of it. But he realized that the second Celestial would take a part if he could; and, consequently, he began to drag Chow Ching up the road, away from the fallen Tung.

But Chow Ching, if not extra strong, was wiry; and presently he gave a twist, and freed himself. Then he leaped back to where the dagger had fallen, and secured the blade. Gilbert's pistol was not far away, but in the darkness the Celestial did not see it.

Footsteps were now heard approaching; and presently two tall English cavalrymen hove into appearance, each with a drawn sabre.

"What's the row 'ere, Hi want to know," demanded the one in advance.

"Help me!" answered Gilbert. "I have been attacked by two Chinese assassins."

"Give yourselves hup!" roared the second cavalryman. "Hif you don't, Hi'll fire!"

But Chow Ching had no intention of giving himself up; and, dagger in hand, he made for the nearest