Page:On to Pekin.djvu/332

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man!" cried Gilbert. "It's a shame to let anybody die like a rat in a trap."

"That's so, lieutenant. But the danger—"

"I'll risk it. Give me the key."

"I'll go with you," returned the guard. "I see the wind is shifting."

"Then come!" And away went Gilbert for the stairs. Some few who saw the action cheered, but others shook their heads.

"It's foolhardy," said the head-keeper. "If the wind drives back, he'll be lost, sure. Grimes, better stay here."

"I said I'll go, and I will," answered Grimes, the assistant. He had been in charge of Ward 8, and felt he must do what he could for the unfortunates who were locked up. It took Gilbert but a few seconds to reach the second floor of the prison. The door at the top of the outside staircase was open, and he plunged into the corridor beyond. Here the smoke was still thick, and he had to pause to locate his surroundings.

"To the left!" shouted Grimes. "The prisoners are in the last two rooms. Better bend down—the smoke won't affect you so much."