Page:On to Pekin.djvu/338

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did I ever come to China! This comes of doing wrong. Heaven forgive me!" And again he sank back, too weak and terror-stricken to do anything for himself.

The position was so full of peril Gilbert hardly knew what to do. The flames were close at hand, and in a minute more escape would be impossible. For one brief iastant he thought to leave Nuggy Polk to his fate. Then he grated his teeth.

"I'll save him, anyway," he thought grimly; and, unable to lift the limp form, he caught Nuggy by the collar, and literally dragged him over the floor and into the corridor. Here a hot blast came up, and made him stagger. The sparks, flying in all directions, burnt his neck and hands. But still he did not let go; and the next moment he was at the window of the opposite ward with Nuggy in his arms.

A ladder was coming, but it was not yet there; and the few seconds to follow were trying in the extreme. The smoke poured toward the window, and the flames came licking in at the door.

"Hurry up!" gasped Gilbert. "Hurry! The flames are right behind us."

Then the ladder came, and a dozen men hoisted it