Page:On to Pekin.djvu/341

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up to the window. How he got outside with Nuggy in his arms, Gilbert could never tell afterward. He tried to descend, but his head swam around like a top; and all he could do was to hold on where he was.

"We're coming. Don't move!" said a voice below him; and in a second his burden was taken from him. Then, as he felt his senses going, he slipped down the ladder, struck among a crowd of people, and for the moment knew no more.

When Gilbert recovered, he found himself sitting on a bench in the rear of the prison yard, and several American soldiers in attendance upon him.

"Lieutenant, you had a close call," said one of the soldiers. "Another minute, and it would have been all over with you."

"Yes, I know it," answered Gilbert, as he drew a deep breath. "I—I feel rather queer yet."

"I should think so! Better take it easy for a while."

"I'll have to, sergeant. What of that man I brought out?"

"He's in a bad way, lieutenant. Reckon he was sick, wasn't he?"