Page:On to Pekin.djvu/36

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"I'll run wid might an' main," answered the Irish soldier, and set off with leaps and bounds over the rocks in the direction whence he had come. The Filipinos saw him, and opened fire on him; but he got out of range uninjured.

As soon as Casey was gone, Gilbert called his detachment to his side, and pointed out the cascoes.

"Those men must not be allowed to reach the other river-bank," he said.

"And they won't reach it, hear me!" cried one of the regulars, a tall Westerner; and, taking aim at the man at the rope in the leading boat, he fired. As the report rang out, the man fell, shot through the shoulder; and the casco began to drift rapidly down stream.

The other regulars also opened fire; and soon the ropeman of the second casco was likewise laid low, and that boat began to drift after the other. But the craft was still close to shore; and, as soon as their leader was shot down, the other two occupants leaped into the water and mud, and struck out for the jungle which now concealed the rest of the guerillas, who had lost no time in disappearing after the first volley from the Americans.