Page:On to Pekin.djvu/43

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are so out of date that they are actually musty. And the worst of it is, because their history dates back so much further than ours,—several thousand years before Christ,—they imagine they know it all and are really a superior people."

"I am almost ashamed to confess it, but I am very backward on the geography of China," went on Gilbert. "I know it's a mighty big country and swarming with millions of people, and that is about all I do know."

"Yes, it is a big country; for its area is about five millions of square miles, although its original eighteen provinces are only about two millions of square miles in extent,—some geographers say a million and a half. The population of the provinces is reckoned at a hundred and seventy-five million. But this is mere guess-work, for China has never taken a census."

"With so many people, there ought to be many large cities."

"No, the large cities are but few in number. The largest, of course, is Pekin, the capital, on the Pei-Ho, which contains probably a million and a half to two million inhabitants; and the next is Shanghai, the