Page:On to Pekin.djvu/54

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troduced to Hobson, who had been Larry's messmate for several months. Soon the side of the schooner was gained, and Larry clambered to the deck with the agility of a monkey, leaving Gilbert to follow.

"Hullo, Larry! back again?" came from Captain Nat Ponsberry, a whole-souled skipper of the old New England school. "I had hardly expected to see you again afore I sailed."

"My friend here wishes to have a talk with you, captain," answered Larry. "He is Lieutenant Gilbert Pennington now of the regulars, but formerly of the volunteers. He served with my brother Ben."

"Oh, yes I reckon as how I've heard tell of ye," said Captain Ponsberry, as he extended a horny hand, as hard as it was honest. "Glad to know ye personally."

"Perhaps you'll think it strange I should come to you for information, captain," said the young lieutenant. "But Larry tells me you are carrying for the Richmond Importing Company now."

"Exactly." And the skipper of the Columbia gazed questioningly at the speaker. "But this is my first trip; and I don't know but that it may be my last, too."