Page:On to Pekin.djvu/62

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steeds; and his companion was expostulating, and trying to get the lines in his own possession.

"I tell you, Nuggy, you ain't in no condition to drive," the second young man was saying. "Give me the lines, an' I'll show you how to make 'em trot."

"Give you nothing!" retorted Nuggy Polk, savagely. "I can drive as well as anybody, Jerry Nickerson; and I want you to know it."

"You're steerin' 'em into the rocks," went on Jerry Nickerson. "You'll smash us up in another minit!" And he clutched Polk's arm to keep himself from rolling off the high seat to the ground.

"Lemme go!" screamed the would-be driver, and tried to shake his companion off; but Jerry Nickerson made another clutch for the reins, and a fierce struggle ensued, in the midst of which the ponies took fright, and began to tear down the highway at their best speed.

Gilbert could do nothing to stop the runaway team; and, as the high cart bounced past, he fully expected to see the two young men thrown out and killed. The reins fell upon the ponies' heels, and then Jerry Nickerson clutched the seat for safety. Nuggy Polk was thrown over backward, into the