Page:On to Pekin.djvu/74

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"You held the evidence and kept it."

"You hit the nail on the head ag'in, lieutenant. We are smart, and we are the people." Nuggy Polk gave a long, drunken yawn. "This looks as if Jerry wasn't coming back. Say, I've an idea."


"Can't you carry me back to Manila on your hoss?"

"I don't believe the pony will carry the weight."

"Lemme try him."

Only with the greatest of difficulty did Nuggy Polk manage to rise to his feet. Then he lurched up against Gilbert, took a plunge, and hit the pony in the ribs. The animal turned, bumped roughly against the young man, and Polk measured his length on the ground.

"Whoa, you rascal!" spluttered the fallen one. "Lieutenant, he's worse than the team. I can't ride him nohow."

At this juncture a rumble of cart wheels was heard, and soon a native turnout hove in sight, drawn by a pair of caribaos. A sleepy Tagal sat on the seat.

Stopping the cart, Gilbert inquired if the Tagal was bound for Manila.