Page:One Link in the Chain of Apostolic Succesion; or, The Crimes of Alexander Borgia (1854).djvu/17

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gained a sure footing and an enormous influence in the United States, through the sufferance of Americans! Not a day nor an hour passes in which some example of the power and despotism of the Jesuitical leaders in America is not hurled in the face of the descendants of the cotemporaries and fellow-patriots of the immortal Washington! Not a day passes without beholding the shackles that now fetter American liberty closer drawn around it, and bidding fair to soon become riveted in a manner that will effectually prevent all attempts to throw them off! Not a day passes that some new insult and indignity is not offered to the noble few who dare to come out and say, "We are Americans!" Not a day passes that does not behold hundreds of emigrants, sunken in the lowest depths of poverty, ignorance and superstition, landing on our shores from the Old World, knowing but one will, and seeking the advancement of but one purpose, and that combined will and purpose that of the disciples of Ignatius Loyola and Alexander Borgia! Not a day passes that is not marked by the Papal powers in America with some new step towards the general establishment of Papal rule in the United States, and the complete demolition of patriotism, Protestantism and liberty! Not a day passes that is not polluted with plots and daring schemes against the very existence of the Union; not an hour in which some new additions are not given to the resources of the Catholic church!

Such being the case, every American who is worthy of the name cannot fail of seriously considering what is to be the ending of this peculiar state of affairs. It will be blood, sooner or later—blood! In every portion of the world where the Catholic church has gained a footing, it has not resigned it without bloodshed; nor will it forego its advancement by the same means. To attain by blood, and retain by the same means, is the greatest element of its success. Its power in America has arrived at a point where it will neither yield