Page:One Link in the Chain of Apostolic Succesion; or, The Crimes of Alexander Borgia (1854).djvu/36

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my wishes. I have gained some knowledge of his character. He can be influenced by wine and women; and by this means shall he be moulded to my will! Ha, ha!—a noble thought—a glorious thought! Now, proud La Belle Floretta! beware how you trifle with me!"

The ringing of a bell suspended in the corner of the apartment announced a visitor, as the mask paused. He moved to a side-door, and opened it. A paper was handed him, which he speedily read.

"The cardinals," he muttered,—"to the meeting of the cardinals! There 's more blood to be shed; I am he whose province it is to do their bidding; and yet how those proud potentates of the church would start did they but know who the man is that thus seems subject to their wishes! O, did they but know me as I know myself ——"

The mask resumed his cloak and dagger, and passed from the apartment, leaving the sentence unfinished.



The home of mad Seta—a humble, but cleanly and well-ordered abode. The old woman was not alone. Lucretia Borgia and her lover, the gallant Mercado; were present.

"I must leave you, my children, for a while," said mad Seta, arising; "but I will soon return."

"But why need you leave us?"

"Because I have business," was the reply,—"because," she added, in a lower voice, "lovers do not desire