Page:One Link in the Chain of Apostolic Succesion; or, The Crimes of Alexander Borgia (1854).djvu/42

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clothes; and therefore you could not have escaped, had those two officers chosen to denounce you. But they did not do it—and why? Because they had that very night, in council with their fellows, been considering where they could find an executioner. The thought occurred to them that, as your life was forfeited, you would purchase it by becoming the required officer, and assuming the dagger and black mask of your predecessor. They made the proposal—you accepted—and now I ask you to remember its conditions."

"I do, your Eminence. The conditions were that my life should be spared as long as I served you faithfully, and executed your orders. I have done so, and still intend to; and therefore you can spare yourself the trouble of recalling the disagreeable nature of our bond to mind. I am not treacherous or unwilling; I was only surprised."

"Very well. You have your orders; see that they are executed; and remember that you are serving us, the church and the Pope, and you will never hesitate."

With this, the cardinals retired from the vault, one by one.

"The church and the Pope!" muttered the mask, gazing after them. "O, fools!—fools!"



Alexandre Borgia, Pope Alexander VI.; one link in the chain of apostolic succession—one head of the hydra called the Church of Rome.