Page:One Link in the Chain of Apostolic Succesion; or, The Crimes of Alexander Borgia (1854).djvu/48

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"You should remember Mercado; 't was of his salvation we were about to speak!"

"You cannot harm him; already has he been warned of your machinations against him, and will ever be on his guard!"

"Silly girl! how little do you realize the power of Alexander Borgia! Know you that you met Mercado half an hour since at mad Seta's——"

"I know this already."

"And also know that in less than five minutes after you left him he was arrested by my orders, and is now a close prisoner in the Inquisition!"

Donna Lucretia reeled, and sunk, nearly fainting, into a chair.

"Perhaps you doubt my words," continued the Pope. "You shall go with me and see him, and then you shall know the terms of his release."

"Mercado here! let us fly to him at once!" murmured the fair Italian, at last.

"As you will, dear, DEAR Lucretia!" responded Borgia, with the glance of a basilisk, as he extended his arm.

The lady took it, fearfully, shudderingly, and both passed from the room.



An underground hall in the Inquisition. It was of oblong shape, and dimly lighted by a single lamp suspended in the centre of it. Each end of it was enshrouded in darkness; both were as silent as the grave.