Page:One hundred & one sandwiches.djvu/15

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Mash the yolks of hard-boiled eggs to a paste, and mix with an equal amount of cold cooked fish. Spread on crisp lettuce leaves and place between bread spread thickly with mayonnaise dressing. Trim the edges and cut into small squares.


Chop raw oysters very fine, season with pepper, salt, and a little tabasco. Lay on thinly buttered white bread with a crisp heart-leaf of lettuce between. Serve while the lettuce is fresh.


Chop fine the meat of the lobster; add the soft parts; season with tabasco sauce, lemon-juice, and oil. Spread upon lightly buttered bread.


Fry the large Eastern oysters. Dip lettuce leaves in French dressing. Put one oyster between each leaf and lay these between slices of buttered white bread.