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BUDINGTON. BURDAKIN. 8 9 BUDINGTON, JONATHAN, son of Jon- athan and Sophronia (Denison) Budington, was born in Leyden, Franklin county, De- cember 17, 1837. He was educated in the public schools of Leyden, Shelburne Falls Academy, East Greenwich (R. I.) Academy, and Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham. The principal business of his life has been farming. He was in commercial busi- ness in Gloucester a few years, also pro- prietor of a mill and box factory in West Leyden for some years. At present he is not in any business, on account of ill health. Mr. Budinafton never married. JONATHAN BUDINGTON. He has been a member of the school board many years ; was a member of the General Court in 1SS1, being the third generation of the same name that has rep- resented Leyden in the Legislature. He was placed on the committee on agricul- ture, and served as clerk of same. He is life member and trustee of Frank- lin County Agricultural Society ; was a member of the state board of agricul- ture from 1883 to '86, and for the same term was a member of the examining com- mittee for the Massachusetts Agricultural College. He is steward and trustee of the M. E. church, having held this connection twenty- five years. He has been for many years superintendent of the Sunday-school. BULLOCK, Augustus George, son of Alexander Hamilton and Elvira H. Bullock, was born in Enfield, Hampshire county, Conn., June 2, 1847. His school days were passed at High- land Military Academy and Leicester Academy. He fitted for college with the late Elbridge G. Cutler, afterwards profes- sor at Harvard. Mr. Bullock entered Harvard College in 1864, and was gradu- ated with the class of 1S68. He made himself familiar with financial transactions by engaging a short time in the brokerage business, then read law in the office of Hon. George F. Hoar, and Hon. T. L. Nelson, now judge of the United States district court. He was admitted to the Worcester county bar and practiced law until January, 1883. At the annual meeting of the State Mutual Life Assur- ance Company of Worcester, in that month, he was chosen its president and treasurer, which office he still holds. Mr. Bullock was married in Worcester, October 4, 1871, to Mary H., daughter of George and Josephine Rose Chandler. Of this union were four children : Chandler, Alexander Hamilton, Rockwood Hoar, and A. G. Bullock, Jr., the latter dying in infancy. Mr. Bullock is director in the Worcester National Bank ; director in the free pub- lic library ; in 18C8 was private and mili- tary secretary to Governor Alexander H. Bullock, his father, with rank of lieuten- ant-colonel ; is a director in the Worcester Gas Light Company ; trustee of Worces- ter Lunatic Hospital ; trustee of Worces- ter County Institution for Savings ; presi- dent of the State Safe Deposit Company ; member of the American Bar Association; member of the Archaeological Institute of America ; member of the American Anti- quarian Society, etc. BURDAKIN, JOHN H., son of John C. and Catharine E. Burdakin, was born in Cambridge, Middlesex county, November 3, 1840, and was educated in the schools of Cambridge and Boston. At the age of seventeen he entered the office of William V. Thompson, Boston, remained there about three years, and then went into the Middlesex registry of deeds as a clerk under Caleb Hayden, the register. In the early part of the war of the rebellion, he enlisted in the 23d regiment N. Y. National Guard, and was in the army at Harper's Ferry and other places in the