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i 5 8 CUTTER. CUTTER. Hattie Frances, Thaddeus Lyon and Robert Holmes Cushman. In 1 88 1 and '83 he was a representa- tive in the Legislature, and has also most acceptably filled the position of selectman. Among other benevolent and mercantile trusts, he has served as director in the Na- tional Bank, trustee of the Savings Bank, trustee of the Monson Academy and treas- urer of the librarv. SOLOMON F CUSHMAN. He moved from Monson, Me., in 1854, to Palmer, Mass., and in 1856 he went to Monson, Mass., which place has since been his residence. CUTTER, ABRAM EDMANDS, son of Abraham and Mary (Gibson) Cutter, was born in Newburyport, Essex county, Jan- uary 24, 1822. His father was a mason and builder. He erected many of the fac- tories and important buildings in Saco and Biddeford, Maine, and also represented Saco in the Maine Legislature 1853 and '54. He died in Saco, August 25, 1886, at eighty-seven years of age. Mr. Cutler was educated in the public schools of Saco, Me., where his father re- moved when the son was but four years of age. This was supplemented by a three years' course in Thornton Academy, Saco. After leaving the academy he entered a store in Saco, where the drug business was combined with book-selling. This business he followed for some years, with the ex- ception, in the meantime, of a year spent in two voyages to Europe, in a sailing ves- sel, and another term of study in the academy. He came to Boston in 1843, and was employed in the drug store of the late William Brown ; remained there and in same business in another location till 1S52, when he removed to Charlestown and opened business as book-seller, the firm being McKim & Cutter. At the end of three years he purchased his partner's interest, and continued the business till within a recent period. Mr. Cutter was elected to the school board of Charlestown in 1857, serving six- teen years before annexation, and nine years after that as member of the Boston school board. He was first married July 7, 1S53, in Charlestown, to Mary Eliza, daughter of Barnabas and Eliza (Whittemore) Ed- mands. His wife died February 11, 1854. His second marriage was October 13, 1857, with Elizabeth Finley, daughter of Wash- ington and Elizabeth (Hay) Smith, of New York. They have no children. Mr. Cutter has always been identified with, and interested in, the various local charities and institutions of the city, and actively connected with the Harvard Uni- tarian church of Charlestown. He is best known as an active educational supporter, -and a champion of our public schools. CUTTER, Charles Ammi, son of Caleb Champney and Hannah (Biglow) Cutter, was born in Boston, March 14, 1S37. He was fitted for college at the Hopkins classical school, Cambridge ; was gradu- ated from Harvard in 1855, and from the Cambridge divinity school in 1S59. In 1 86 1 he was made assistant in the cataloguing department of Harvard College library, which position he held for seven years, and on the 1st of January, 1869, became librarian of the Boston Athenaeum, which office he still holds. He has prepared a new classification for libraries, and written two articles in the "North American Review " on " Harvard College Library ; " " Rules for a Printed Dictionary Catalogue" (Washington Bu- reau of Education, 1876 ; new edition expected 1SS9) ; "Boston Athenaeum : " How to get Books, with an Explanation of the new way of Marking Books " (Boston, 1862); edited the "Catalogue of the Library of the Boston Athenaeum, 1870-