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212 FESSENDEN. FIELD. He enlisted in the army, and served in the department of the Gulf as ist lieu- tenant and captain of company D, 53d his share of the burdens and responsibili- ties of religious, benevolent and various society offices, he was elected as a Re- publican to the House of Representatives, in 1865, and was subsequently a member of the state Senate, 1SS0 and 'Si, serving as chairman of the committees on labor, Hoosac Tunnel and Troy & Greenfield Railroad, and as a member of the com- mittee on taxation and military affairs. FIELD, LUCIUS, son of Moses and Catharine Swan (Alexander) Field, was born in Northfield, Franklin county, Au- gust 15, 1S40. He obtained his education in the com- mon schools and high school of North- field. His first connection in business was with Hon. E. Brinhall, Clinton, as E. Brinhall & Co., January 1, 1S67 ; then Field & Saw- yer, 1S72 to '7S ; Lucius Field & Co., 1S7S to '89, David Dias and Walter V. Benedict being admitted as partners. Mr. Field was married in Clinton, Au- gust 14, 1S62, to Annie S., daughter of Sarah P. Harrington. His second mar- riage, November 17, 1S75, was with Mary A., daughter of George L. and Mary J. ANSON D FESSENDEN. regiment, Massachusetts volunteers. He was a brave and efficient officer, winning the confidence of his men and the appro- bation of his superior officers. At twenty-five years of age he began the cooperage business with his father, under the firm name of B. & A. D. Fessen- den, at Townsend. Their business grew and developed into the establishment of branch houses as follows : 1S73, Fessenden & Lowell, Reed's Ferry, N. H. ; 1879, Kilbourn & Co., Sandusky, O. ; 1884, Silas Kilbourn & Co., Grand Haven, Mich. ; 1886, Annis & Co., Londonderry, N. H. ; 1887, Kilbourn & Co., San Francisco, Cal. . Mr. Fessenden was married in Town- send, December 6, 1S65, to Thirza A., daughter of Calvin and Thirza (Pierce) Boutelle. Of this union are four children : Alfred N., Florence Bertha, Marion 1!., and Robert G. Fessenden. Mr. Fessenden has ever been interested in the growth and prosperity of his native town, and on a broader plane is alive to political movements that affect the vital interests of the State. Besides serving his town in various minor offices, and taking LUCIUS FIELD. Wilmarth, of Taunton. He has fou dren : Mary Althea, Catharine S F. and Leslie W. Field. r chil- A n n 1 e