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1'i.vx r. FLYNT. 223 oil, and one of the youngest members of the House of Representatives. He always took an active part in the legislative debates, and served on the EDWARD J. FLYNN committeesof probate and insolvency, elec- tion laws, constitutional amendments, and judiciary. Mr. Flynn is unmarried. FLYNT, William Norcross, son of Rufus and Sarah (Norcross) Flynt, was born at Monson, Hampden county, March 14. 1S1S. His father was one of the most prominent citizens of Monson, and an incorporator of the Monson Academy, where Mr. Flynt obtained his education. After leaving the academy, he entered upon his business career as a clerk in his father's store, and continued in the same employment for several years after his father's death, under the latter's successors. Before his death his father had worked a granite quarry to a slight extent, and in 1839, the son turned his attention to this industry, further developing it, so that it soon became his principal business, and to it he devoted the best energy of his life, forming the Flynt Granite Company and the Flynt Building & Construction Com- pany, of both of which he is president. During his life he has held many public offices of responsibility. He is the oldest trustee of the Monson Academy now in service, being its treasurer sixteen years. For thirty years he was treasurer of the town, and was the projector and first president of the Monson Bank. He has also been president of the savings bank at Palmer. In 184S, in the Legislature, he secured a charter for the New London Northern R. R. against strong opposition, and was a member of the House of Representatives again in i860 and '61. In 1S65 and '66 he was in the executive council in the administrations of Governors Andrew and Bullock. In 1888 he was elected alternate delegate to the national Republican con- vention. June 4, 1846, Mr. Flynt married Joanna, daughter of Col. Isaac King of Palmer. Mrs. Flynt died in 1850, leaving a son, William King Flynt, who was associated with his father in business from 1872 till his decease, February 22, 1886, aged thirty- five. In 1852 Mr. Flynt married Eudo- cia Carter, daughter of Marquis Converse of Brimfield. His children are : Maria Lyon, Rufus, Lyman Coleman, Sarah Con- WILLIAM N. FLYNT. verse, Ella Eudocia, and George Converse Flynt. The three sons are all immediately associated with their father in his various undertakings.