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266 GREENHALGE. GKEENOUGH. GREENHALGE, FREDERIC THOMAS, son of William and Jane (Slater) Green- halge, was born in Clitheroe, England, July 19, 1842. He was brought to this country by his father in early childhood. His early edu- cational training was received at home and in the public schools of Lowell. He was graduated from the Lowell high school in 1859, receiving the first Carney medal ever given. Having fitted for college, he en- tered Harvard, and was graduated in the class of 1863. He chose the profession of law, and having pursued his legal studies with that aim, was admitted to the Middle- sex bar in June, 1S65. Lie first associated himself in practice with Charles F. Howe. In 1870 this partnership was dissolved, and he has since continued in practice alone. Mr. Greenhalge has been in active legal practice since 1S65, and is widel) known as an able counselor and a suc- cessful advocate. In business circles he is known as a man of strict integrity, shrewd foresight, and possessed of a judgment broad, conservative, and safe to follow. Socially, his popularity is not questioned, neither is it confined to class, nor limited by local circles. He has been called by the people to many positions of honor and trust, and never having been found wanting 111 humbler offices, he was called to accept con- gressional honors in 1SS8, and wis elected to the national House of Repre- sentatives from the 8th congressional district. Among the more important offices Mr. Greenhalge has held are : president of the Lowell Humane Society ; president of the History Club ; president of the People's Club ; special justice of police court, Lowell ; member of common council, [868 and 'in) ; member of school board, Lowell, 1871 to '73 ; mayor of Lowell, 1880 and '81 ; delegate to national Republican convention, [884; city solicitor of Lowell, 1888 ; representative to the Legislature, 1885, and trustee of City Institution for Savings, of Lowell, from 1S76 to present time. Mr. Greenhalge was married in Lowell, October 1, 1873, to Isabel, daughter of John Nesmith (lieutenant-governor with Governor Andrew) and Harriet (Mansur) Nesmith. Of tins union were four chil- dren : Nesmith (deceased), Frederic Brandlesome, Harriet Nesmith and Rich- ard Spalding Greenhalge. GREENOUGH, WILLIAM WHITEWE-LL, son of William and Sarah (Gardner) Green- ough, was born in Boston, June 25, 181S. He was fitted for college at the Boston Latin school and by private instruction. After graduating at Harvard College in 1837, he became a member of the firm of William Greenough & Co., remaining with that firm for twelve years, when he became agent ami treasurer of the Boston Gas Light Company, holding that office until that company's plant and business were purchased by the Bay State Gas Company, in 1889. Mr. Greenough was married in Boston, June 15, 1841, to Catherine Scollay, daugh- ter of Charles P. and Anna (Wroe) Curtis. Their children are : William, Charles Pel- ham, Malcolm Scollay and Edith, now Mrs. Barrett Wendell. WILLIAM W. GREENOUGH. Mr. Greenough was for three years a member of the city council of Boston, 1847-49 inclusive ; for man)- years a trus- tee of the public library, and president of the board from 1866 to '88 ; a trustee of the Museum of Fine Arts ; first president of the New England Association of Gas Engineers; a member of the Massachusetts Historical Society, ami of the New Eng- land Historic Genealogical Society, and other organizations.