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298 HEDGE. HEMPHILL. and studied medicine in the Harvard med- ical school, from which he graduated in 1864, and in the medical school of Maine. In 1S66 he formed a partnership with George Barrows, M. D., Taunton. In 1872 the partnership was dissolved, and he has continued the practice of med- icine and surgery by himself. His school of practice is homoeopathic. Dr. Hayward was married in Easton, January 9, 1866, to Lemira Harris, daugh- ter of John R. and Lemira H. (Daily) Drake. Of this union are four children : Ernest Lowell, Ralph Morris, Walter Bar- rows, and Josephine Lemira Hayward. Dr. Hayward has been a member of the Taunton school board nine years. He was medical cadet in the U. S. army from March, 1863, to March, 1864, assist- ant-surgeon and brevet-major, U. S. volun- teers, from date of graduation till Novem- ber 25, 1865 ; was present, on General Ord's staff, at the fall of Petersburg and the surrender of General Lee ; surgeon 3d regiment, Massachusetts volunteer militia, and medical director 1st brigade, Massa- chusetts volunteer militia. He has been a member of the pension board, a lecturer on surgery, Boston University medical school, vice-president and president of the Massa- chusetts Homoeopathic Medical Society. HEDGE, Frederic Henry, son of Levi and Mary (Kneeland) Hedge, was born in Cambridge, Middlesex county, De- cember 12, 1805. He was educated at home until 1818, when he went to Germany, under the guard- ianship of George Bancroft, and entered a gymnasium or German school at I If eld ; subsequently studied in the gymnasium at Schulpforte ; returned to America in 1823; entered Harvard College, and was gradu- ated in the class of 1825. After leaving college he studied in the Harvard theological school, and was or- dained a minister in 1828, being settled over the Congregational church of West Cambridge (now Arlington). From this church he went to Bangor, Me., as pastor of the Unitarian church, where he re- mained until 1850. He was then called to the Westminster Congregational church, Providence, where he remained six years. He was pastor of the First Congregational church, Brookline, from 1S56 to '72, when he left to become professor of German in Harvard University, which professorship he held until 1881. He was also professor of ecclesiastical history from 1857 to '76. Dr. Hedge was married in Brookline, September 10, 1830,10 Lucy, daughter of John Pierce, D. D., and Lucy (Tappan) Pierce. Of this union were : Frederic Henry, Jr., Charlotte Augusta, Ellen Eliza- beth and Caroline Farrar Hedge. Dr. Hedge is the author of several works, among which are " Prose Writers of Germany" (1848); "Reason in Re- ligion" (1865); "Primeval World in He- brew Tradition" (1870); "Ways of the Spirit" (1877); "Atheism in Philosophy, and Other Essays" (1884); "Hours with German Classics " (1886); " Martin Luther, and Other Essays " (1888). In conjunction with Mrs. A. L. Wister he published "Met- rical Translations and Poems " the same year. Dr. Hedge, together with L. Noa, also edited an edition of Goethe's works, published by Estes & Lauriat, 1883. HEMPHILL, ASHTON ERASTUS, son of Freeland and Lydia (McKeen) Hemphill, was born in Acworth, Sullivan county, N. H., September 17, 1849. His early education was secured in the schools of Acworth, and high school of Walpole, N, H. He was graduated at the ASHTON E HEMPHILL. Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Bos- ton, in the class of 1876. From 187 1 to '73 he was with George L. Brown & Co., Holyoke, druggists, and their successor, Dr. L. M. Tuttle. He had virtual charge of the store from July, 1882.