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3 28 ROWLAND. HOYT. J. Sedgwick, Rebecca, and Alice How- land. Mr. Howland built and established, in New Bedford, the first factory in the coun- try for distilling and refining the products of petroleum. These products he shipped to New York and Boston markets as early as September, i860. His residence is Fairhaven. HOWLAND, WlLLARD, son of Jairus and Deborah L. Howland, was born in Pembroke, Plymouth county, December 3, 1852. His early education was obtained in the public schools of Kingston and Woburn. Ill health prevented his full academic WlLLARD HOWLAND course, and not until after some years of mercantile life did he take up his studies. He finally began to carry out a long cher- ished purpose of studying law, and entered Boston University law school He had at eighteen years of age be- gun a business career, and remained in it until just previous to his admission to the bar. He was admitted to practice November 11, 1878, and has since been engaged in the practice of law as a pro- fession. In the meantime he married (1873) Lottie Barry, of Boston, to which city he had removed when he was seventeen years of age. Of this union are two children : Fred C. and Lizzie A. Howland. Mr. Howland was elected to the Legis- lature from the 27th Suffolk district in 1888, and served on the committee on the judiciary. He is a member of various secret and benevolent societies, in which he has held prominent office. He is an officer in the military order of Sons of Vet- erans, and is somewhat prominently known in that order throughout the State. Mr. Howland has been closely engaged in the labors of his professional life, during the time he has resided in Chelsea, and has only come to the front as a public man when his fellow-citizens have demanded it, but has carefully and diligently made the most of his opportunities. HOYT, WARREN, son of William and Harriet (Hooke) Hoyt, was born in North Danville, Rockingham county, N. H., Jan- uary 4, 1843. His early education was received in the common schools of his native town, and he afterwards supplemented this by attend- ance at Kingston Academy, N. H., and Thetford Academy, Vt. WARREN HOYT During his early manhood he for a time in teaching. He was the internal revenue office of J Lovering, Exeter, N. H., in 1864 engaged clerk in ames M. and '65.