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334 INGRAHAM. JACKSON. At the age of twenty-six he began the study of dentistry in Clinton, Mass., and was graduated at the Boston Dental College in the class of 1874. Previous to his choice of the latter profession, he spent two years in California (1851 and '52). He has prac- ticed dentistry in Clinton since 1856. Mr. Ingalls was married in Newbury, Vt., October 22,1850, to Rebecca Nelson, daugh- ter of Mason and Mary (Nelson) Randall. Of this union were six children, all deceased. Mr. Ingalls was a representative to the General Court in 1880, and was elected to the Senate in 1881 and '82. He served on the committee on public health both years, was chairman the last named year of the committee on claims, and wrote the mi- nority report on the "Shanley Claim." His church connection is with the Bap- tist church, of which he is a member, and he takes an active part in church and association work. He was for several years a member of the investment committee for the Clinton Savings Bank, and left this position to be- come a director of the Lancaster National Bank. He withdrew from that position and sold his stock a year before the bank- was robbed by its cashier, and made a written statement at the time to the stock- holders, pointing out the irregularities of that officer. He is now president of the Clinton Co-operative Bank. INGRAHAM, ELIHU, son of Elihu and Olive (Mallery) Ingraham, was born in New Ashford, Berkshire county, October 18, 1822. His education was limited to the public schools of those days. At twenty years of age he began life for himself, and chose farming for a vocation. Mr. Ingraham was married December 27, 1842, to Lorania, daughter of Atwater and Melinda Beach, at New Ashford. Of this union were two children : George F. and Julia Maria Ingraham. He was again married, in Hoosick, N.Y., February 27, 1855, to Celestia A., daughter of Samuel and Betsey (Card) Pine. Of this union are two children : Ida Jane and Nathan P. Ingraham. Mr. Ingraham has been chairman of the board of selectmen of New Ashford thirty years, town clerk eighteen years, and jus- tice of the peace sixteen years. He is also chairman of the town committee. Mr. Ingraham is connected with the M. E. church, of which he is a steward. Jonathan Ingraham, grandfather of Mr. Ingraham, was a revolutionary patriot, fought with Arnold at Stillwater and Schuy- lerville; was sold by Arnold; was with Wash- ington at White Plains, Valley Forge, and at the crossing of the Delaware ; and was in the battle of Monmouth, the Cowpens, etc. George F., eldest son of Mr. Ingraham, was three years in the 34th regiment, Mas- sachusetts volunteers. He fought under Sheridan, and at Winchester was very seri- ously wounded. INGRAHAM, William H., son of Paul Augustus and Thankful (Sears) Ingraham, was born in Peacham, Caledonia county, Vt., 1818. He gleaned his knowledge of books from the Caledonia county grammar school, Peacham. He began his business experience with his older brother in Framingham, dealer in general merchandise. He afterwards be- came a dry-goods dealer in Watertown, and later on in Boston as partner with March Brothers, Pierce &: Co. He was selectman in Framingham, also in Watertown. He has been town clerk in Watertown twenty-five years, and still holds the office. He is chairman of the board of assessors ; was a representative to the General Court two years (1S79 and '80); two years chairman of the Republican town committee ; clerk and treasurer of the first parish of Watertown ; is a member of the Watertown Historical Society and clerk of the Town Improvement Society. The time not given to public affairs is employed in general insurance business. Mr. Ingraham was married in Framing- ham, January 17, 1S43, to Caroline C, daughter of Col. Ephraim and Mary (Hub- bard) Brigham. He has three children : Ralph Waldo, Isabel Frances, and Alice Choate Ingraham. JACKSON, James Frederic, son of Elisha T. and Caroline (Fobes) Jackson, was born in Taunton, Bristol county, No- vember 13, 185 1. The private and public schools of Taun- ton gave him his early educational train- ing. He entered Harvard College in 1869, ami was graduated in 1873 ; studied law in Taunton in the office of Judge Ed- mund H. Bennett ; entered Boston Univer- sity law school 1874, and was graduated in '875 ; opened a law office in Fall River,