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MILLER. MILLER 411 in Needham, and one in Boston — his specialty being lung diseases. Dr. Miller is an active temperance man, working in the Republican party, but is not a politician. He was elected to repre- sent the 9th Norfolk district in the House of Representatives, 18S8 ; was re-elected for 1889, and was House chairman of the committee on public health. He is a prominent Mason, a member of Zenobia Commandery, Cortland Chapter, No. 194, R. A. M., New York ; past master Norfolk Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and past grand of Eliot Lodge, I. O. O. F., Needham ; member of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts ; has several times held the office of D. D. G. M.; is a member of Aurora Chapter, Eastern Star, Natick ; of Jewel Lodge, K. & L. of H., of Roxbury ; and is D. I). G. P. of district No. 16, State of Massachusetts. He was one of the foremost in starting the Village Improvement Society of Needham, and was its first president. He has also beautified and rendered fertile a portion of the town reclaimed from waste land, built twenty fine houses and planted a total abstinence colony, as he refuses to allow entrance to any tenants who use alcoholic stimulants. Dr. Miller was largely instrumental in securing from the Legislature the act allowing the town of Needham to supply its inhabitants with pure water. He was elected chairman of the water committee. He is superintendent of the First Parish Sunday-school ; president of the Union Temperance Band, the Chautauqua Liter- ary and Scientific Circle, and is active in all literary work in the village. He is a lib- eral, public-spirited citizen. Dr. Miller was married in New York, No- vember 25, 1866, to Vesta Delphene, daugh- ter of Alonzo and Vesta (Ketchum) Free- man, of Newark, N. Y. She is also a phy- sician, and assists him in his practice. She is an active temperance worker, and has been president of the W. C. T. U. of Need- ham since its organization. MILLER, GEORGE F., son of Joseph and Susan (Shaw) Miller, was born in Schaghticoke, Rensselaer county, N. Y.. January 16, 1847. His early education was received in the public schools and Union Village Academy, Greenwich, Washington county, N. Y. He subsequently took a course of study in Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College, Albany, N. Y. He began business life in Isaac G. Flack's general store, Lansingburgh, N. V., then engaged in the retail grocery business for himself in Greenwich. In 1868 he removed to North Adams, and entered the internal revenue office, where he remained two years and a half ; was then special agent for the Widows' & Orphans' Benefit Life Insurance Company one year, after which he took up the general insurance business. Mr. Miller was married in North Adams, November 23, 1876, to Delia A., daughter of Jasper H. and Harriet (Sheldon) Adams. Of this union are two children : Harry A. and Elsie Miller. GEORGE F. MILLER. Mr. Miller was clerk and treasurer of the North Adams fire district ; is now assessor of the town ; secretary of the Hoosac Valley Agricultural Society ; justice of the peace ; notary public ; charter member of Greylock Lodge, F. & A. M. ; also of Com- posite Royal Arch Chapter and St. Paul Commandery, K. T. MILLER, JOHN LELAND, was born in Adams, Berkshire county, June 2, 1813. He was the son of Caleb and Nancy (Mitch- ell) Miller, and a great grandson of William Miller, who was a surgeon in the British army. John L. Miller was of a feeble constitu- tion, and during his childhood his health was so delicate as to incapacitate him for severe labor. His early education was