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30 BAILEY. BAKER. Cuba ; " " The Credit Institutions of Italy;" and a series of articles giving an extended account of " The Clearing House System," with statistics of nearly all the clearing houses in the world. These ar- ticles on the clearing houses have attracted the attention of financial writers both at home and abroad. Besides magazine articles, he is the author of the historical sketch of the town of Everett in " Drake's History of Middlesex County ; " also of the part relating to clearing houses in " Bolles' Practical Banking." BAILEY, GEORGE W., son of Job and Lydia F. Bailey, was born at Scituate, Plymouth county, August i, 1830. He received his early education in the common schools of his native town, attend- ing summer and winter up to the age of twelve, then from twelve to sixteen years the winter terms only. He afterwards went one term to a private school. In 1S54 Mr. Bailey went into partner- ship with Howard Vinal in the boot and shoe manufacturing trade at Scituate. Upon the retirement of Mr. Vinal in 1855, he carried on the business alone until January 1, 1856, when he took George Leonard, Jr., of Boston, into partnership, the firm then becoming Bailey & Leonard. From 1858 to 1875 Jotham W. Bailey was a partner, under the firm name of G. W. & J. W. Bailey. Since the latter date Mr. Bailey has carried on the business by himself. He was elected a member of the school board in 1885, and still serves in that capacity as chairman. Mr. Bailey has been deacon of the Bap- tist church at Scituate thirty-three years, treasurer for twenty years, and chairman of the executive committee. He was married at Scituate, November 26, 1856, to Hannah W., daughter of James S. Briggs, a former ship-builder of Scituate. He has only one son surviving, Herbert IS. Bailey of Wollaston. BAKER, EDWIN, son of Roswell and Bathsheba Baker, was born in Hawley, Franklin county, January 18, 1843. He was brought up on a farm, and re- ceived his education in district and select schools, and at Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H. At the age of nineteen he enlisted in the 5 2d regiment Massachusetts volunteers, and served under General Banks in the Louisiana campaign. In 1S64 he entered the employ of Dr. A. H. Taylor, in Shelburne Falls, as drug clerk. Three years later he purchased the business, and has conducted it as his own since that time. Mr. Baker is a prominent and leading citizen, and has held important offices in the town, and been honored with such business positions as director in the Shel- burne Falls National Bank, trustee in the Shelburne Falls Savings Bank, and trustee and treasurer of Arms Library. For sixteen years Mr. Baker was super- intendent of the Congregational Sunday- school in Shelburne Falls. He is a Free Mason, being a member of Mountain Lodge, F. & A. M. He has served this -W & EDWIN BAKER lodge in various capacities, and for four years was worshipful master. From 1882 to 1885 he was district deputy grand master of the 14th Masonic district. He was a member of the lower branch of the Legislature in 1885 and 1886, and served upon the public health and Hoosac Tunnel committees. In 1889 he repre- sented Franklin district as State senator, and was a member of the committee on public health, agriculture, and engrossed bills, being chairman of the latter. On the first day of August, 1867, Mr. Baker was married to Emma Isabel, daugh- ter of Edward and Hannah Bannister of Leeds, Yorkshire County, England.